Brand Heritage - interview with Fabien Pecot


  • Suzane Strehlau ESPM-SP


Interview with Fabien Pecot by Suzane Strehlau (MPCC and PPGA/ESPM)
The interview was held on February 5, 2020 at ESPM, São Paulo, Brazil.
Fabien Pecot is a Lecturer in Marketing at the University of York (UK). He joined York after completing his Ph.D. from Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management IAE in 2016. His research interests focus on brands’ representations of the past and more particularly on the concept of brand heritage. Fabien was invited as a visiting scholar at ESPM in February 2020.


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Cómo citar

Strehlau, S. (2020). Brand Heritage - interview with Fabien Pecot. International Journal of Business Marketing, 5(1), 4–9. Recuperado a partir de


