The manager role: refocusing the managerial paradigm - interview with Vlado Dimovski
Interview with Vlado Dimovski by Reynaldo Dannecker Cunha (ESPM) and Sergio Garrido Moraes (Editor IJBMKT)
This is the first part of the interview with Vlado Dimovski. The interview was held before the COVID19 crisis, on February 5, 2020, during his visit to ESPM for lectures, sponsored by MPCC/ ESPM, and Professor Vivian Strehlau.
Vlado Dimovski is a Slovenian economist, philosopher, politician, consultant, and professor of management and organization at the University of Ljubljana. He has degrees in economics (MA, BA), philosophy (BA), management, and finance (Ph.D.). He got many awards and has been elected member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (since 2016). As a consultant, he has been working with World Bank/EDI, UNIDO, UNDP, McKinsey, A.T. Kearney, and Deloitte. He has been an advisor to numerous governments and institutions, like the Macedonian Prime Minister. In politics, he has served as the State Secretary for Industry, and as Minister for Labor, Family, and Social Affairs while Slovenia has entered the EU
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